AWR Ministry Journey to Nagaland in Myanmar

The story is about a successful soul wining event that is being happened during January, 2018. The story began by the name Mr. Langh Cin, a native Naga tribe, 70 years old, who could speak Kachin Language fluently. He has been always listening to AWR Kachin Language and convinced by the message that he accepted. Finally he decided to keep the true Sabbath and kept it by himself alone. He shared the truth that he accepted to his villagers, teachers and pastors from MBC which is known as Naga Baptist Church and pursuing them to keep the true Sabbath. But unfortunately it was failed. He won a man only who is the church Pastor of that Naga Baptist Church. This pastor was expelled from the church and he was fine with India rupees one hundred thousand only by the revolutionary.

Mr. Langh Cin also resigned from his present responsibility as the church elder and withdrawn from the church member as well. He kept the Sabbath by himself alone separately. Later on, Mr. Langh Cin has been trying to get a contact with the Kachin AWR producer but due to geographical distances and remote area, it didn’t work. He studied different denominations and examining them which will be the most acceptable according to the Bible. Finally he concluded that Seventh-day Adventist is the only true church that fits with the Bible. And he decided to establish this true church in Nagaland.

By the grace of God he found the way to contact Kachin AWR Producer – Pr. Teint Saung during March 2017. After more than over eighty times they spoke through the micro phone each other, finally Mr. Langh Cin made an invitation to Pr. Teint Saung to come and conduct an evangelistic meeting in his village. The Kachin AWR Producer, Pr. Teint Saung and the Myanmar Union President, Pr. Timothy Muna Paul along with six members from Waingmaw Adventist Church accepted the Macedonian call and went to that village and conducted an evangelistic meeting during January 8-21, 2018. While they were having the meeting, the church leaders from Naga Baptist Church Head Quarter called Adventist Group Leaders to their church office. Pr. Teint Saung and other six members were inspected and threated terribly their life.

By the grace of God, 31 Adult family leaders from 17 houses comprising 100 family members were converted into Seventh-day Adventist Church. At present they are getting in terrible trouble. Because of this great conversion, the Naga Baptist Church leaders are threatening these newly converted Naga Adventist members and finally they were expelled from the land of Naga forever. Therefore, because of the faith that they found, this Naga Adventist Members forsook their precious farms, houses, estates, siblings and their heritages. Now newly settlement and accommodation for this Naga Adventist members are being provided at Tanaing city in Kachin State. They need badly for their shelter, daily food and job to sustain their new life in this newly settlement and accommodation in TanaingTown.

Now the Adventist Church Leaders are arranging to purchase land and to build shelter for this newly converted Naga people. We need your moral support and prayer.

At present we are receiving the following donation:

  1. MYUM        Kyats 2,000,000
  2. Singapore Myanmar Adventist groups, Singapore $ 1500
  3. Perth (Australia) Myanmar SDA community, Kim Mung Thatmun,  Kyats   567,000
  4. Kentucky Zomi Adventist Group, Mangpi    Kyats 689,650
  5. Mung San and Friend from USA,   Kyats 742380.80
  6. North Pyidawtha Adventist Church, Kyats 45,000
  7. Lawibual Adventist Church, Kyats 100,000
  8. Khaibawi, Tulsa (USA), Kyats 315,601
  9. Neu Tuang and friends from Norway, 700,000
  10. Robin Zotung from USA, Kyats 300,600
  11. UMM, Kyats 500,000
  12. Van Pe Oo, Kyats 100,000

Reported by,

Pr. Thang Kang Lo, Director

Sabbath School & Personal Ministry/ ASI
IEL, Adventist Mission & Adventist Community Service
Myanmar Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventist
68, Uwisarah Raod,
Dagon Township, Yangon

Hand Phone: 09960361544

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